Monday 24 October 2011

Overwhelmed by Magic

A few days ago, I was told I would need to hand in a proposal for my deaf studies project the following next day, which eventually got extended to over the weekend. 

Zipped off some emails with some titles in mind… no one replied. Yay (!) I wasn’t given enough time to research and define my areas of interest. I finally settled on the concept of Deaf CODAs (child of deaf adult) and their concept of identity, do they form their own Deaf identity or is it forced onto them? Well something like that. I need more time to think to define the meaning. 

I went to see a friend for lunch because I needed some time to think and because I was feeling a bit confined where I was. I got stuck on a train for 2 hours getting back home. luckily I had my netbook so I worked on the proposal using my blackberry to access information and details given to me by some people. 

I have to admit I’ve been struggling with my thoughts for a while now and don’t know how to deal with them. They are distracting and affect my train of thought when trying to focus on writing. I seem to be feeling overwhelmed today. I got cancelled on twice today which I was really depending on for a wee chat and some support regarding work, it sort of threw my plans for the day and I couldn’t deal with this. 

I’m writing this with tears and snot down my nose… attractive! At the moment I’m wondering if I can form bubbles with the snot… seem like I can. I’m stuck at university for another 2 hours for 15 mins tutorial!

I’m being stupid; I found this article earlier today which I can’t link to this as I used my university account to open the e-articles. It is called
“Understanding Harry Potter: Parallels to the Deaf World” by Todd A. Czubek- Scranton State School for the Deaf & Janey Greenwald- Scranton State School for the Deaf

Here’s an extract- (bear in mind this is written by Americans)
“The following is a list of the institutions of the Wizard World and their parallels in the Deaf World:
• Hogwarts is the wizard equivalent of residential schools for the deaf.
• Ministry of Magic is the wizard equivalent of the National Association of the Deaf.
• Daily Prophet parallels the NAD Broadcaster and formerly Silent News.
• The sport of Quidditch is one of the major institutions in the Wizard World. This parallels the significance of sports in the Deaf World. In both the Wizard and Deaf Worlds, there are significant long-standing rivalries between schools.
Diagon Alley has special stores that sell wizard equipment and clothing that are required for wizardlife at Hogwarts. This parallels the necessary purchasing of TTYs, light systems, baby cry signalers, pagers, and so forth in the Deaf World.”

Interesting? There are other examples such as
·         Squibs- Hearing CODAs
·         Pure-Bloods- Generations of Deafness
·         Mudblood- deaf children born to hearing parents
·         Half- blood- one hearing parent & one deaf parent

it would be great if we all were deaf and doing magic!

Accio hearing aids!

End of the day, Sign Language is our magic   

Your in BSL/ISL

p.s interesting fact 4: I lose my hearing aids often

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