Wednesday 14 September 2016

How to achieve a healthy mind with cupcakes..!

My summer and the strange weather seem to match me perfectly as I’m slowly recovering from my last breakdown, it was a really rough one and I seem to be doing better one day at a time. I finally am using the local Healthy minds service, I’ve just finished the 2nd session and I’m still not sure about the service as I’m not keen on the interpreter I have. I have requested to change interpreter after the 1st appointment but still had the same one for the 2nd apt which make it difficult for me as I feel that things I am trying to say are often lost in translation.

This is a real life example:

Therapist: ‘how are you feeling today? Could you find one word to describe your mood today?’
Me: 'I’m struggling to find the right word so i would say I feel like Deirdre if you get what I mean, I just feel like me’
Interpreter: ‘Deirdre’
Therapist: * looking confused* ‘Yes, but how are you feeling?’
Me: ‘I can’t find the right words to describe how I feel so I picked Deirdre as I feel it sums me up’
Interpreter: ‘I find it difficult to describe how I feel’
Therapist: ’try to find one word’
Me: ‘I did say my one word is Deirdre, * muttering to myself- for fucks sakes* I feel sad ok,’
Interpreter: ‘sad’

So this ‘lost in translation’ carried on for the rest of the appointment, which just made me feel frustrated and pissed off with the communication issues. I was not able to make my thoughts and feelings clear and the therapist was not able to understand me.

I got rather frustrated at the last appointment and told the therapist (who is lovely by the way) that I wanted someone who understood my background, my culture & community and could sign to me without a need for a third person.  The interpreter translated this into me having issues with being deaf…

Why can’t some sign language interpreters admit when they are out of their depth and give the job to someone else they know will suit me better?


How is this helping me to achieve a healthy mind when a bar of chocolate and a cup of decent coffee could do the job in 2 minutes!   

Don’t let my experiences put you off if you are thinking of using the healthy minds service, every service is different.

I am aware that some people might be thinking ‘ why doesn’t Deirdre just go for the BSL Healthy Minds service from Sign Health’. 
1.   My GP won’t refer for the service unless I complete the local healthy minds with an interpreter and have a statement from the therapist saying I would benefit better from a BSL service.
2.   I have contacted my nearest BSL healthy Minds service and asked for help to get me referred to the service I need, they was rather unhelpful despite my university mental health service contacting them asking for advice on how to support me and to get a referral to the right services for me. This went back and forth for a year, which meant I gave up.
So sadly my experiences with mental health services has not been that great, I know other deaf people whose experiences had been excellent and they are feeling much better.
One day I will have the BSL service I need and I will have a positive experience with the service.


The bit above was written around late August and I thought I would add on an update. 

I have had 3 sessions so far and all with the same therapist and interpreter. I am getting more and more frustrated at times because I have to slow down and sign in SSE if I want the interpreter to translate what I am signing. I have asked for a change in interpreters but it doesn’t seem to bloody happen.

My last appointment was me basically being frustrated and tired of thinking of what to say in English so the interpreter can't get it wrong as at times I just want to be pure BSL and the therapist to get it without the interpreter losing the initial meaning when interpreting.

Another real life example-

The therapist told me that I should celebrate every achievement from getting out of bed to doing the washing up like having a cupcake, going to the cinema, getting a new pen etc.

I did this for a while but I was getting bored of celebrating son thought i would bring it up in the next appointment, so I explained to the therapist that I was getting tired of celebrating every time I achieved something and could I do it in one big celebration end of the day or week with a reward to make it more fun.
She looked confused and told me she didn’t mean to celebrate after every achievement but to do so end of the week or a very difficult day. I glared at the interpreter and thought to myself ‘thanks the fuck I didn’t take the cupcake reward suggestion too seriously.’
It would have gone like this: -

Got out of bed- yay one cupcake for breakfast!
Took a shower- yay another cupcake!
Put clothes on- whee another cupcake
Replied to messages/emails-  another fucking cupcake

You can see how it would have ended- me being a stone heavier in one week! 

Skull tealight holder (Paperchase)
I have to admit i now have an unhealthy collection of pens and maybe candles. 

Fact: I like candles, I have too many and I never seem to chuck away the empties. 
A snazzy shot