Saturday 8 October 2011

An addled attempt

I love reading by candlelight and do it when I have the chance to do so.

I am not a literary genius and nor I claim to be one. I just simply enjoy reading books and my guilty pleasure is chick lit novels. Nothing beats a good book; candles lit everywhere and a mug of mulled cider… Yes mulled cider!
I’m a university student who’s on brink of madness with craziness going on around me. Where can I start? Do I ramble off a book list miles long as M25 or film/TV series I’ve seen? Talk about my family, my friends or what make me tick?

I have no frigging idea so I’m going to pick a safe topic… the weather! October is my favourite month; it is when everything is in autumn-y colours. I’m no artist so I can’t really describe colours; those really vivid colours that makes me dream of curling up on a sofa reading my kindle… I ashamedly own one but I used to be on the go and moved around so often I was dragging books around so a kindle was deemed easier and I get to download books at all hours which tend to leave me in my own book world.  Books are better company than men in the autumn/winter time.

I have someone. who people could loosely describes as ‘Mr Big’  as any SATC fan will know as the man Carrie eventually marry alas for me he’s isn’t the one but the constant presence in my life that I yearn to be rid of but I can’t as at times I’m not sure about how I feel about him. For now the term ‘best friend’ will do. I’m ‘not’ allowed to write about him so I’m moving onto something else now.

I’m supposed to be starting an essay on: What are the essential skills that a historian should possess?  A library card is my shortest answer. From this essay question you can see I’m a wannabe historian who really sucks at being one… Good job I’m doing a combined degree with the other part being Deaf studies where I excel in. I hope to rock the Deaf world with my choice of questions for my dissertation-
1. How did the decisions of the Milan conference in 1880 affect the outcome of Deaf education from 1880 to the present day? (in terms of sign language and oralism methods in schools for the Deaf in Britain)
 2. On what basis was the BDA (British Deaf Association) set up? Has the BDA benefited the Deaf community as it developed since its foundation or has it lost touch with its fundamental purposes?

Boring but it seem interesting enough and maybe I will gain better knowledge in my chosen question once approved.
Looking at what I have written so far, I seem superficial and maybe a bit weird as well as I veers off topic and babble. I’m sure one of these days I actually can write something.. for now it’s nonsense

Interesting fact -          I’m not interesting
Off to read James Corden’s new book ‘May I have your attention please’


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