Sunday 30 December 2012

I still believe in Santa!

PHEW! Christmas is now over! Countless turkey dinners aren’t fun!

We can see that the world didn't end on the 21st! According to people that the Mayans predicated that the world would end.... I got a bit confused as i though it was the end of a calendar and the start of a new one for the Mayans if there are  any left! ACH!

I headed up to Scotland to spend Christmas with the Family; I wasn’t so keen about going as previous years has often ended in fights, arguments and stony silence.
            I managed to get a cheap ticket up north and as it was on a Saturday I upgraded to First Class so I could relax on the way up. I packed and wrapped countless presents for the family.
            It was a cold rainy day so I got a train to the station and when I was waiting the train was delayed as usual by half hour. I was given countless coffee on the train as well some lovely snacks.
            Upon on arriving Edinburgh, I got lost in the station, as the signs seemed to be missing or pointing to the wrong area. Managed to get right train to the parents home where dad picked me up and told me he got a job offer which was a lovely start to the visit (dad was made redundant last summer after about 10 years of working for the same company).
            When I got in the house I was gobsmacked to see how big my brother’s dog had got, Eddie is only 5 months and is quite big, he is supposed to be a Stafford terrier but look like a cross breed to us these days.
The parents went out and came home drunk, which meant I needed to keep an eye out for one of the brothers who went out clubbing without his key again! So waited up and it turned out her girlfriend had it! Bah
            I got asked by my wee baby brother to go shopping with him the very next day, as he wanted help getting some presents.
            It was nice to look around Glasgow despite how busy it was! I got dragged to the shops with dad on Christmas Eve as part of the annual ‘I haven’t got your mum anything yet’! I don’t mind but I objected to the 8am start! I got given a Starbucks as a reward for the early start.
            Later on in the evening we all gathered for a Christmas Eve buffet and drinks and played cards too, we all are old hands at playing various card games but we NEVER know what the games are actually called!
            We have lot of board games and they get played maybe once every 2 years that is shameful! I really like Scrabble and Monopoly :D I have them on me phone so I can play often, I’m not naturally competitive and tend to be laid-back playing board games.
            Christmas Day itself was quite good, no fights or anything just everyone being lovely! I got tons of shower stuff so I’m going to take that as fact I smell quite bad or that I have OCD!
            I gave one of my brothers a DVD of Lion King as it was his favourite film when he was younger, he watched it the other day and finally understood what the film was about! (Well when you are 5, you cant really read the subtitles!).
            The highlight of the day was Doctor Who!  I did say I’m a geek! I will be excited when the new series start in 2013! And to solve the mystery of Clara!

Switched at Birth will be back on the screen on 7th January with a brand new series! For those who don’t know what it is, it is about 2 girls who were switched at birth and one of them is deaf which mean there are a lot of Deaf main characters!
I’ve had a good week and I have been catching up on my sleep as I generally don’t sleep too well so it’s nice not having to get up!

I’m sure many people have been hitting the sales! I have been looking around and have got a few things for myself. Nothing too exciting just some make up that I ran out of and a new Cath Kidston bag J (giggles).
            Last year I got myself a fuck load of Lush products but this year I have cut down on the sales from Lush as my brothers gave me a gorgeous hatbox from Lush filled with shower goodies :D
I also met up with a friend for coffee and news. I do really love Glasgow, its just  a pity I will never live there as there is nothing for me apart from family.

 I must not forget that I have been very excited to welcome a lovely (he would love it if I said dishy) handsome bloke back from the land of Down Under! I’m delighted that he is back and I hope to see a lot more of him this year!
            I also am a wee bit sad that a friend will be moving overseas fairly soon but I wish him all the best with his new life and his exciting new projects.

A piece of sad news that have surprised the Deaf Community is that Hal Draper- a well known Deaf actor and a very funny bloke had passed away sudden. All thoughts are with his family and friends

RIP Hal, keep them laughing wherever you are!

Watch Hal in those short films-           this is my favourite one

Fact: Deaf people are enormously talented and I will find mine one day! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow I am surprised I've never heard of Grandad before! It it brilliant, such a lovely story. One of my favourites too I guess! xx
